No need to waste your time accumulating estimates. You only need one. Be aware of low estimates. Sometimes they can indicate inferior workmanship. A lower estimate may not include services such as removing necessary trim, aligning the suspension, adjusting headlights or rust proofing. Also, the paints and primers may be of lower quality.
At Paint-A-Car Collision, we offer a range of services such as auto body repairs and car paint jobs. Serving Mississauga and Etobicoke since 1971, we have the expertise to handle your insurance claims with ease. We provide links to most of the insurance companies who will then be able to handle your claim efficiently. We can arrange to have your vehicle towed at your request and provide transportation for your convenience. At Paint-A-Car Collision, our concern for quality and safety are the most important factors when choosing the method of repair for your vehicle. We also provide a written limited lifetime warranty on our workmanship and materials.